Topic 7: Academic Integrity and Performance

“if you don’t sacrifice for what you want , what u want become the sacrifice”
Image result for academic integrity and performance

Academic integrity is the commitment to and demonstration of honest and moral behavior in an academic setting. This is most relevant at the university level as it relates to providing credit to other people when using their ideas.

Image result for UiTM define academic dishonesty
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What is plagiarism ?

According to the Oxford Dictionary Plagiarism is: “The practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own” In precise words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else’s artwork and lying approximately it in a while.

APA (American psychology association) Format Citation Guide

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So , i am here at Perpustakaan Awam Temerloh find a few books to do references .

Reference :
1. Maseleine L’engle (1962) , A Wrinkle In Time , Penguin Random House Children’s , 80 strand , London .
2. Steve Burrows (2017) , A Shimmer of Hummingbirds , Dundurun Press Limited , Canada .
3. Katherine Neville (1988) , The Eight , The Random House Publishing Group , United States .
4. Zoe Marriot (2014) , Darkness Hidden , Walker Books Ltd 87 Vauxhall Walk , London SE11 5HJ .
5. J.K Rowling (2005) , Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince , Bloomsbury Publishing Plc , 38 Soho Square, London , WID 3HB.


Image result for Gpa

What is GPA ?

When you’re enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s programme, your GPA is easily one of the most important numbers to keep an eye on. 
Your GPA, or Grade Point Average, is a number that indicates how well or how high you scored in your courses on average. It’s meant to score you (usually on a GPA scale between 1.0 and 4.0) during your studies and shows whether your grades have been high or low overall in your classes. This number is then used to assess whether you meet the standards and expectations set by the degree programme or university.

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What is CGPA ?

CGPA is a cumulative grade point average.As a student everyone has their own goal his or her important goal is to get a great grade in their exam.From CGPA we can knowing how our result looks alike.

Related image

How to calculate GPA and CGPA ?

Here are the Formula :

Grading table



This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is oimp9830.jpg

Sem 1
(11.01)+(12.00) + (9.99)+ (8.01)+(12.00)+(8.00)+(4.00)

Sem 2

Sem 1 + Sem 2
65.01 + 64.35

Failure and Dismissal

Image result for failure and dismissal

D1 – CGPA less than 1.80
D2 – CGPA less than 1.80 with P1 status
D3 CGPA less than 2.00 with P2 status
D4 – failed in certain courses for the third time
D5 – CGPA less than 2.00 at the endof the maximum period of study and still have courses which have not been completed
D6 – passed all courses required by a programme and fulfilled all the requirement of the programme but acquired a CGPAof less than 2.00
D7 – did not sit for the examination of allthe registered courses for that semester without the approval of the university

Status of final examinations and assessment

ANC – Graduate with Vice Chancellor’s Award
TS – Graduate with Dean Award
LNT – Graduate Upgrade
AD – Dean’s Award
LU – Pass
P – Attention (unsatisfied)
D – Failure and Dismissal

Topic 6: Taking Lecturer Notes

Image result for taking notes

What is taking notes ?
Taking notes is writing down and read it with our own word .

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To help us ;

  • It can help us to pay attention in class.
  • Help us study for quiz , test or final exam.
  • Help us to improve our memory.
  • help us takes ownership of ideas.
  • help us to engage your sense.
  • help us to organize and process our data and information.
  • help lecture to test the student on how well they captured the information given.

Image result for review

Why we need to

  • we will lost 80% of what we hear early if we not reviewed within a few hours.
  • identify any question for peers , the next class or ask the lecture.
  • there is not enough time to absorb all the information given in class if not reviewed it on a regular basic


  • free you up to write in quick , shorthand during class.
  • have a excellent test-prep strategy for reinforcing information.
  • better than recopying , this time you are digesting and rephrasing.

Physical factors
Seating :
-better vision and hearing
-avoid distraction by doorways,window glare,etc.

How do we take notes ?
– write down date and label notes
– leave some space between notes
-use abbreviation and symbols
-use outline to show:
∆ main ideas
∆ supporters
∆ example
-use own language

*Useful abbreviation


How do you prepare for class ?

  • Do pre-reading or homework.
  • Always doing our review syllabus.
  • Preview previous notes.
  • Look up key words prior to class.
  • Plan to listening about 80% in the class.
  • Remember to write down the date at the notes that we take.
  • Leave some space to add another information later.

While taking notes..

  • Be aggressive person not a passive person.
  • Ask some question that we didn’t understand in class. 
  • Discuss if its permitted, if not question it in your notes
  • Seek out meaning.


  • Always be alert with repetition – make a note of it.
  • Focus and watch the board and the overhead projector.
  • Notice the instructor’s interest level.
  • Let go of judgments lecture styles.

How do we review ?
<> Review notes along with the book
<> Create your own examples
<> Disscuss and compare
<> Practice skill
<> Re-write
<> Ask lecturer


Madam Laila asked us to refer this and convert to our own notes .
So ya , this is mine .

Topic 5: Memory Learning and Improving Concetration

Image result for memory learning and improving concentration
“The best thing about memories is making them”


Memory is the ability to save a or ramain information also can be called as memory store.


Image result for 3 types of memory
  • Sensory memory is record information from the sense for up to three seconds.Example are ironic (VISUAL) MEMORY and echoic (AUDITORY) MEMORY.
  • Short term-memory is hold about seven items for up to twenty seconds before the material is forgotten or transferred to long term memory.
  • Long term-memory is relatively parmanent,can hold vast amounts of information.
Short-term memory test by Madam Laila . I got only 11 from 25 item.

Why we always forget?

  • Distractions
  • Not paying attention
  • Last minutes
  • Did not have good strategies
  • Did not understands the information given

How The Left And Right Side Of Brain Are Different Infographic




  • manage your time wisely.
  • repeat the information many times.
  • elaboration strategies- association , acronyms and imagery.
  • organize the material.
  • comprehension monitoring strategies.

Image result for memory strategies ued 102



Image result for concentration
“the more u give , the more u gain”- Madam Laila

Causes of poor concentration

  • Lack of attention
  • Lack of interest
  • Lack of motivations
  • Uncomfortable environment

Strategies for improving concentration

  • Use motivational and organizational strategies create interest in work
  • Create a positive learning environment such as find a better location
  • Deal with internal distraction such as problem
Image result for sq3r

What is ”SQ3R” ?

Topic 4: Get to Know Campus

Related image
“Where the legends begin”

Out of all UiTM in Malaysia, I was placed at UiTM Jengka. A place where you are surrounded with palm oil plantation and greeneries compatible with it’s slogan “Khazanah Alam . Eventhough Jengka is just a small town but this is not a reason from being a successful student.

Resources of UiTM :
□ Academic
»Library , Information Technology and Computer , Registrar

□ Housing , Dining , Transportation
»Bus Stop , Medan Selera , Tok Gajah College

□ Student Organization
»Court , HEP , Stadium

For more details about my campus , you guys can check out this link and also dont forget to like and subscribe ! Thankyou so much 🖤

Topic 3: Time Management and Organizational Skill

“By Al-’Asr (the time).  Verily, man is [deep] in loss, except for those who believe and do good deeds, urge one another to the truth and urge one another to patience.” (Quran 103) surah Al-‘Asr

Image result for time management quotes

it was defined by the ability for student or someone use their time,energy or resources their time effective with do a schedule for reference to them on everytime for what they must to do.

Strategies of Study
This example strategy of study. We need to do schedule for arrange our time wisely.So if we have this schedule we can do any benefits things without waste our time like sleep, sleep and sleep or online social media on time.

”your future is created by what you do today , not tomorrow”

What is procrastination ?

Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a task that needs to be accomplished by a certain deadline. It could be further stated as a habitual or intentional delay of starting or finishing a task despite knowing it might have negative consequences.

Main cause of procrastination :
▪ Lazy
▪ Avoid success
▪Avoide failure
▪Being rebellious
▪Feeling overwhelmed

Remedy :
▪ Remember your goal
▪ Alert to your deadline
▪ Prioritised
▪ Self award

Here are sometips to manage time for students :
1. Eliminate distractions
2. Be focused at the task at hand
3. Use a calendar
4. Use a checklist
5. Get organised
6. Schedule rewards
7. Get a good night’s sleep

Semester schedule

My daily schedule

”time is what we want most but what we use most”

So thats all from me about time management. I hope a bit information from me about time management can help you manage your time better than ever especially for a student and u should create your own schedule too .

Topic 2: Goal Setting

Image result for goal

What is ‘goal’ ?

Goals are the ends towards which we direct our effort . In other words , goals are things that we want to achieve . Goals are important in varsity life because the help motivate you to do work , attend classes and study for exam .

Personal Goals
► I want to be a professional badminton player
► Get a dean’s award in every semester

► Afraid of emulation
► Lazy

► Believe in myself
► Be confident
► Change mindset
► Keep on training
► Attend class
► Complete all the task given
► Balance between sport and study

Review and Revise
► Make sure I improve myself from day to a day

► I will be a professional badminton player and successful student

Image result for goh liu ying
Image result for successful students

Topic 1: Getting Ready to Learn

“Work hard in silence , let your success be your noise”

We as a student we need to realize that we have entered the universe where we need to be wise in determining something whether good or bad . We need to be more smart to arrange our new life in university . Just for reminder , become students in university is more challenging . School and university life is totally different .

“think once before you act , twice before speak”

Let’s take a deep breath and remember why we came here . For future or love ? You’ve made your own choice.

This is a few differences between high school and university:

High School Universityvs
Your time is
structured by
your parents
and teachers
You manage
your own
High School Universityvs
You must
balance your
and set
your own
Your parents
and teachers
High School Universityvs
times vary
the day, and
you usually
spend 12–16
hours in class
per week
School d...
High School Universityvs
For each
hour you
spend in
class, you
need to
complete 2
to 4 hours
of additional
study in your
High School Universityvs
If you need
you should
contact with
your lecturer
or tutor
High School Universityvs
schedule tests
and expect
you to attend
regardless of
outside your
High School Universityvs
expect you
to locate and
catch up on
any notes or
you missed
when you
miss ...

Learning Style and Characteristics of Successful Students .

People learn and memorize information using a variety of learning styles. Learning styles are how you concentrate, process and remember new and difficult information. There are a few types of learning style such as visual , auditory and kinesthetic .

Based on this question , we can know what types of learning we are . So …..
Jeng jeng jeng !! Here’s my result .

 As you can see , my learning style is more to visual than auditory and kinesthetic . This is a few of skills I do in my learning. There are :


1)Attend all classes
► one of the best ways to successful in the college is to attend classes. This is important because most of the test question will come from lecturer.

2)Become an active learner
► we cannot just read the book or notes couple of time but we must write and recite the information to get it into long-term memory.

3)Participate in class
► be an active person in class such as give the feedback about the subject that being taught and ask the question to the lecturer.

4)Get to know your lecturer
► as students, we should know who our lecturers especially their names.

5)Form study group with friends
► this is one of the good strategies to success in college. Students can remember the points easier and can make the discussion with friends easily.

6)be receptive to change
► do some change in our study strategies. It’s could be better to do some change if not we can’t never see how our performance being.

7)Stay up to date with your work
► we should never procrastinated out work. So we can catch up other things and always stay up to date.

8)Work hard in every semester
► it’s important to us to always set in our mind to the our best and work hard to something that we want to archive.


Week 1;7th August 2019

On my first lesson for UED class , I just met our lecturer who will teach us in accounting subject named Madam Sabariah Binti Jamaluddin and also Puan Nur Syazwani Muhammad Fadzillah .

Puan Nur Syazwani (left) , Madam Sabariah (right)

We start our lesson with “Ice-Breaking” game . Madam Sabariah and Puan Nur Syazwani passing out A4 paper to students and give us a task where we need to find 25 person in 30 minutes only and write down their name based on 5 differents criterias which is colour clothing , hometown , birthday , phone number and siblings .

*please excuse my hand-writing 😅

From this game , i’ve got to know a lot of friends . They were really kind and helpful . Thanks a lot guys for helping me to complete my task 🥰

Usaha , Taqwa , Mulia ❤️

“the struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow”

Assalamualaikum w.b.t , Salam UiTM Di❤️ku and Salam Khazanah Alam.

Hello my dearest blog readers! How are you guys ? I hope you all are in a good health . Name given is Farah Adilah Binti Jamaluddin . I am 18 years old and was born on 3rd November 2001 at Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA) Kuantan , Pahang . Now i currently study at Uitm Cawangan Pahang , Kampus jengka . I just being one of the student Diploma in Accounting (AC110) .

First of all , this is my first experience using a blog so it will be a little bit boring . Ok nevermind , the most important purpose i am doing this portfolio is to introduce the readers about UED 102 or well known as study skills . UED 102 provides students with soft skills essential for varsity life , which should be within each students . It expose students to basic academic skills .

Study skills was devide by 7 topic which is;
*Geting Ready to Learn
*Goal Setting
*Time Management and Organizational Skills
*Get to Know Campus
*Memory Learning and Improving Concetration
*Taking Lecturer Notes
*Academic Integrity and Performance

For more info , stay tuned and follow my blog . Hopefully you guys enjoy it!